Posts tagged breakfast foods

Cherry Almond Scones

I first had scones in London when I was in college. It was at high tea at a nice hotel, and I was hooked. Of course, my Southern brain said, ”It’s just a sweetened biscuit.” Well, back then, you couldn’t find scones in the South and finding anything black currant was near impossible. So, cherry almond it is! Sometimes I make them for a special breakfast, and I always make them for tea parties. They are a satisfying accompaniment for tea or coffee. Of course, a dollop of clotted cream takes them over the top!

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Ham and Cheese Quiche

One of my favorite things to do with holiday leftovers is make quiche. And what more perfect of a leftover to be used for quiche than honey baked ham? Whether it be Christmas or Easter, my mom loves to bring over a honey baked ham. We all thought this was especially ironic when she first started doing it…since my husband is Jewish. But my husband doesn’t abide by the culinary exclusions of his religious upbringing and instead delights in the crunchy sweetness of the honey baked ham. His first bite is accompanied by an audible crunch and then an almost banal “uuummmmm” (minus the y-) followed by “this is just so good.”

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Brown Butter Blueberry Muffins

I love a good blueberry muffin.  The kind of mythical blueberry muffin that has the perfect balance of blueberries to fluffy moist muffin dough that you discover at a breakfast cafe in a small town.  The kind of magical blueberry muffin that is so delicious that you buy extra to take home for the next morning.  The kind of muffin that I could NEVER find a recipe for in a cookbook.  Year after year, I baked blueberry muffins that were, to say the least, underwhelming.  Until I stumbled upon brown butter blueberry muffins.

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