Posts tagged pasta

Italian Sausage Pasta

I accidentally made this pasta one night when I came home from work, a little late, and didn’t have enough time to make my usual marinara sauce. I also didn’t have any red wine around…but luckily did have an already open bottle of sauvignon blanc. I wouldn’t normally think to combine white wine and Italian sausage, but the Romans often combine guanciale with white wine to make an amatriciana sauce…so why not?

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Shrimp Pasta

On our honeymoon in Eleuthra, we ate at a restaurant owned by Italians where I was scolded for asking for cheese with my shrimp and squid. I was internally hand gesturing to them through my eyes – but I’m Sicilian – we love to combine cheese with seafood. Arguably, anytime you add a pesto to seafood you are marrying cheese and seafood with a delicious result. So why all the snobbery with combining seafood with cheese? I hope that this version of shrimp pasta helps you reconsider the antiquated rule of not topping seafood with cheese.

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